4 Pieces Of Advice from Atlanta’s Best Flooring Installation Contractors
May 21, 2020 at 4:00 AM
Floor installation example by Elite Construction & Renovations.

If you’re attempting a home renovation in the Atlanta area, you need advice from the best flooring installation contractors around. That means you need Elite Construction & Renovations!

Our expert team is committed to helping Atlanta-area homeowners fall in love with their houses all over again. Whether you’re attempting an indoor renovation (bathroom, kitchen, or basement) or an outdoor one (screen porches or decks,) Elite Construction & Renovations is here to ensure the highest possible quality—and the lowest possible stress level—for you.

Here are three snippets of our best advice for your next home installation (especially if it’s flooring!).

Advice #1: Hire A Professional

It might be tempting to try renovating your home all by yourself, but even a small home improvement project can quickly spiral into a massive undertaking.

In particular, if you’re installing a new floor, that means ripping up the old floor, ensuring that what’s beneath it is ready for new installation, and ensuring that every panel or tile fits perfectly into a new grid. Those in-between stages can get messy and complicated fast!

Our experienced contractors can do the job faster and with optimal accuracy than any one person, no matter how dedicated you are to going it alone. Best of all, you can completely trust our team to get the job done without demanding your frequent input, reducing the stress of home renovations.

Advice #2: Have A Cohesive Vision

The wooden floorboards with a shiny finish look good on the website and in the mailed sample, but when you actually hold them up against your existing kitchen cabinets, will they really match? One of the most important elements of a successful home renovation is having a cohesive vision.

Even if your individual elements of a room are all gorgeous, they might not mesh well as a complete room. Consider what else you intend to do in a room before making significant choices like floor style or paint color. You want the finished product to look like its constituent pieces arrived as a set—not like a showroom for disparate parts.

Advice #3: Choose Quality Materials

Going back to the previous example, let’s say that the shiny wooden floorboards perfectly match your cabinets, paint color, and otherwise. You might still want to hesitate before going through with the purchase. Even if a home renovation part looks beautiful and aesthetically appropriate, it’s worth taking the extra time to consider the quality of the materials.

That bright wood might be attractive at first glance, but how vulnerable is it to scratching by the kitchen chairs? Is it likely to hold up over time, or will you soon have to repair your brand-new installation?

At Elite Construction & Renovations, we only recommend the most durable, trustworthy materials and suppliers before we complete installation. That’s why we’re among the most trusted contractors in the Atlanta area.

Advice #4: Enjoy Your New Floor!

Advice number four is the easiest of all. Once your home renovation is finished, including the new floor, don’t forget to sit back and fully enjoy it. The hard work is done— now is the time to cook in your new kitchen, style your hair in your new bathroom mirror, or hold a game night in your freshly revamped basement. Home renovations aren’t just for show in photos on social media; they’re so you can live your best life in your own home.

If you’re considering working with Elite Construction & Renovations, feel free to reach out to us through the Contact page. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you have and discuss potential appointment times.